The show was called Octomom: a mom who gave birth to 8 children. It was the most controversial show in Kalamazoo, Michigan till date.
As an artist he had to scrutinize some elements that got him started on the subject. This show totally was based on the general opinion that was floating around:- The new century mother?
- What are your limits as a mother?
Artist Singh says that the news media did not do any justice to his art exhibition.
During the show the controversial sculpture out side his gallery was shown from one side and other side was missing in the picture where Octomom is shown holding on to the noose.
There were other paintings in the show that had no mention in the media at all.
Following were the subjects of some of those paintings:
- Octomom playing flute
- Octomom a only warrior
- Octomom life in general
- and more ....
"The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance” (Aristotle)